Rabu, 18 November 2020

Conditional Type 3


Conditional sentences are sentences in English to express wishes, hopes and prejudices.

Conditional Type 3 is used for a sentence which implies something that has happened.

Using the formula:

If + Past perfect + Future perfect

Can also use:

Future perfect + If + Past perfect


1. If i had money, I would have come to concert

2. I would have better score if i had studied

3. If I have time I would went with you

4. I would have eaten if i had felt hungry

5. If I had gotten better I would eat much

Example Video:


Senin, 16 November 2020

Soal Pilihan Ganda PKWU Kelompok 3

Kelompok 3:

Ismi Marhamah

Muhammad Ali Fikri

Muhammad Iqbal 

Muhammad Fajar

Muhammad Fathur 

Muhammad Rasyadan

1. Dalam pembuatan kerajinan limbah harus memperhatikan bahan, bentuk, dan fungsi, supaya…

a. Menarik dilihat

b. Dapat digunakan sesuai kebutuhan

c. Menjaga kualitas dan memberi daya Tarik

d. Produknya laku terjual

e. Masyarakat menyukainya

Jawaban : c. Menjaga kualitas dan memberi daya Tarik

2. Kerajinan yang berfungsi untuk memperindah atau mempercantik sebuah tatanan interior maupun eksterior secara visual merupakan fungsi kerajianan sebagai…

a. Kerajinan sebagai pakai

b. Kerajinan sebagai seni

c. Kerajinan sebagai dekorasi

d. Kerajinan sebagai media

e. Kerajinan sebagai estetis

Jawaban : e. Kerajinan sebagai estetis

3. Sebuah sampah/ limbah basah yang berasal dari makhluk hidup sering dipakai dalam kerajinan limbah disebut sampah …

a. Organik

b. Rumah tangga

c. Basah

d. Anorganik

e. Tekstil

Jawaban : a. Organik

4. Berikut kepercayaan atau rasa yakin yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang wirausaha kerajinan bahan limbah, kecuali …

a. Kecerdasan sendiri

b. Kemampuan untuk bekerja secara kreatif dan inovatif

c. Kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan baik

d. Keyakinan dapat menguasai pasar

e. Kecakapan yang diperoleh dari hasil pendidikan, kursus, latihan, dan pengalaman dalam bekerja

Jawaban : d. Keyakinan dapat menguasai pasar

5. Berikut bukan informasi penting bagi seorang wirausahawan kerajinan bahan limbah berbentuk bangun datar, yaitu …

a. Jumlah karyawan yang bekerja

b. Keinginan para konsumen terhadap suatu produk

c. Keadaan persaingan dalam dua bisnis

d. Lingkungan usaha yang dihadapi

e. Peluang pasar yang bisa diraih

Jawaban : b. Keinginan para konsumen

6. Berikut hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menetapkan desain proses produksi kerajinan limbah berbentuk bangun datar, kecuali …

a. Jenis kerajinan

b. Teknik

c. Pendistribusian

d. Manfaat

e. Pengemasan

Jawaban: c. Pendistribusian

7. Perancangan karya kerajinan melalui konsep dan gambar rencana, dengan mempertimbangkan nilai fungsi, kenyamanan, keamanan/keselamatan, kesehatan, kepraktisan, keunikan, dan keindahan/estetika, trend pasar (nilai ekonomi) disebut …

a. Pengertian kerajinan

b. Desain kerajinan

c. Peluang usaha

d. Manfaat kerajinan

e. Fungsi kerajinan

Jawaban: b. Desain kerajinan

8. berikut contoh limbah yang bisa digunakan sebagai bahan kerajinan limbah berbentuk bangun datar, kecuali …

a. Kain bekas jahitan penjahit

b. Serutan kayu

c. Daun pisang

d. Limbah jagung

e. Botol plastik

Jawaban: c. Daun pisang

9. Salah satu tujuan kewirausahaan, yaitu …

a. Sebagai generator pembangunan ekonomi

b. Menciptakan tenaga kerja baru

c. Mendidik masyarakat agar hidup sederhana

d. Memberikan contoh kepada para generasi muda untuk bekerja keras

e. Meningkatkan jumlah wirausahawan yang berkualitas dan berdedikasi tinggi 

Jawaban : e. Meningkatkan jumlah wirausahawan yang berkualitas dan berdedikasi tinggi

10. Wujud limbah berdasarkan wujudnya berikut adalah limbah …

a. Pabrik

b. Sampah

c. Padat

d. Rumah tangga

e. Bahan bakar

Jawaban : c. Padat

11. Plastik, botol, kertas, dan kardus merupakan contoh limbah jenis …

a. Padat

b. Industry

c. Cair

d. Domestik

e. Gas

Jawaban : a. Padat

12. Berdasarkan sumber limbah dapat dikelompokan menjadi empat bagian, berikut yang bukan merupakan sumber limbah adalah ….

a. Pertanian

b. Industry

c. Organik

d. Pertambangan

e. Rumah tangga

Jawaban : c. Organik

13. Break Event Point (BEP) adalah…

a. Teknik yang digunakan untuk menemukan solusi terhadap masalah tertentu dengan mengumpulkan ide-ide secara spontan

b. Tambahan dari total produksi yang dapat diperoleh karena unit faktor produksi mengalami pertambahan

c. Total keseluruhan hasil/produk yang didapatkan selama proses produksi. PRODUK MARGINAL

d. Besar jumlah kerugian

e. Titik impas antara besar jumlah laba dan biaya suatu perusahaan dalam posisi yang sama atau seimbang, sehingga dalam prosesnya tidak mendapatkan keuntungan dan kerugian

Jawaban : e. Titik impas antara besar jumlah laba dan biaya suatu perusahaan dalam posisi yang sama atau seimbang, sehingga dalam prosesnya tidak mendapatkan keuntungan dan kerugian

14. Laba adalah…

a. Keuntungan total

b. Keuntungan kotor

c. Keuntungan bersih

d. Pendapatan biasa

e. Harga produksi

Jawaban : c. Keuntungan bersih

15 . Elemen-elemen kepedulian terhadap mutu (kualitas) kerja kecuali….

a. imbal jasa harus sepadan dengan pekerjaannya

b. kewenangan harus melampui tanggung jawab

c. rasa keadilan harus ditanamkan

d. informasi mutu (kualitas) harus digunakan untuk perbaikan, bukan untuk mengawasi orang

e. kolaborasi, sinergi, bukanlah kompetensi harus selalu merupakan basis kerjasama

Jawaban: b

16 . Dalam pembuatan kerajinan limbah harus memperhatikan bahan, bentuk, dan fungsi, supaya….

a. menarik dilihat

b. dapat digunakan sesuai kebutuhan

c. menjaga kualitas dan memberi daya Tarik

d. produknya laku terjual

e. masyarakat menyukainya

Jawaban: c

17. Kerajinan yang berfungsi untuk memperindah atau mempercantik sebuah tatanan interior maupun eksterior secara visual merupakan fungsi kerajianan sebagai….

a. kerajinan sebagai pakai

b. kerajinan sebagai seni

c. kerajinan sebagai dekorasi

d. kerajinan sebagai media

e. kerajinan sebagai estetis

Jawaban: e

18. Beberapa cara untuk menghadapi persaingan usaha antara lain, kecuali….

a. amati pasar dan kenali pesaing

b. ciptakan produk yang berbeda

c. mematok harga semurah mungkin

d. tonjolkan keunggulan produk

e. pelajari kelebihan dan kelemahan pesaing

Jawaban: c

19. Sifat dari keramik berkualitas tinggi, kecuali….

a. tidak mudah pecah

b. tahan panas dan korosi

c. harganya mahal

d. tidak mudah terkontaminasi dengan zat kimia

e. memiliki permukaan yang licin dengan glasir

Jawaban: c

20. Perancangan karya kerajinan melalui konsep dan gambar rencana, dengan mempertimbangkan nilai fungsi, kenyamanan, keamanan/keselamatan, kesehatan, kepraktisan, keunikan, dan keindahan/estetika, trend pasar (nilai ekonomi) disebut ….

a. pengertian kerajinan

b. desain kerajinan

c. peluang usaha

d. manfaat kerajinan

e. fungsi kerajinan

Jawaban: b. desain kerajinan

21. . berikut contoh limbah yang bisa digunakan sebagai bahan kerajinan limbah berbentuk bangun datar, kecuali …

a. kain bekas jahitan penjahit

b. serutan kayu

c. daun pisang

d. limbah jagung

e. botol plastik

Jawaban: c. daun pisang

22.. Salah satu contoh limbah rumah tangga adalah ….

a. logam berat

b. penggunaan pestisida

c. kebocoran minyak di perairan

d. air kakus dan dapu

e. karbondioksida

Jawaban: d. air kakus dan dapu

23. Wujud limbah berdasarkan wujudnya berikut adalah limbah ….

a. pabrik

b. sampah

c. padat

d. rumah tangga

e. bahan bakar

Jawaban: c. padat

24.Berikut bukan informasi penting bagi seorang wirausahawan kerajinan bahan limbah berbentuk bangun datar, yaitu ….

a. jumlah karyawan yang bekerja

b. keinginan para konsumen terhadap suatu produk

c. keadaan persaingan dalam dua bisnis

d. lingkungan usaha yang dihadapi

e. peluang pasar yang bisa diraih

Jawaban: b. keinginan para konsumen terhadap suatu produk

25.Berikut bukan termasuk kepekaan seorang wirausahawan kerajinan bahan limbah berbentuk bangun datar terhadap lingkungannya, yaitu ….

a. pandai dalam bergaul

b. pengenalan terhadap arti lingkungan

c. memiliki keinginan yang besar untuk menggali dan mendayagunakan sumber-sumber ekonomis di lingkungan setempat

d. rasa syukur atas segala yang diperoleh atau  dimiliki

e. pandai menghargai waktu

Jawaban: d. rasa syukur atas segala yang diperoleh atau  dimiliki

26. Salah satu tujuan kewirausahaan, yaitu ….

a. sebagai generator pembangunan ekonomi

b. menciptakan tenaga kerja baru

c. mendidik masyarakat agar hidup sederhana

d. memberikan contoh kepada para generasi muda untuk bekerja keras

e. meningkatkan jumlah wirausahawan yang berkualitas dan berdedikasi tinggi

Jawaban: e. meningkatkan jumlah wirausahawan yang berkualitas dan berdedikasi tinggi

27. Perancangan karya kerajinan melalui konsep dan gambar rencana, dengan mempertimbangkan nilai fungsi, kenyamanan, keamanan/keselamatan, kesehatan, kepraktisan, keunikan, dan keindahan/estetika, trend pasar (nilai ekonomi) disebut ….

a. pengertian kerajinan

b. desain kerajinan

c. peluang usaha

d. manfaat kerajinan

e. fungsi kerajinan

Jawaban: b. desain kerajinan

Rabu, 11 November 2020

Conditional Type 2


Conditional sentences are sentences in English to express wishes, hopes and prejudices.

Conditional type 2 is used to express something that is unlikely to happen.


Using the formula:

If + Past tense + Past future


Can also use:

Past future + If + Past tense



1.If you read it all, you would get dizzy

2.If i had wings, i would fly to Switzerland

3.I would go out more often, if i lived in a village

4.I would buy skincare if i had money

5.I would go with you if you have time


Example video:



Selasa, 03 November 2020

Conditional First Type


Conditional sentences are sentences in English to express wishes, hopes and prejudices.

This conditional first type is used to express a possible future (conditional)

With the formula:

If + Simple present + present future (will)

Can also use:

present future (will) + If + Simple present


1. If you go now, you will get wet

2. You will get taller if you drink some milk

3. If you read a book you will know what you dont know before

4. You will get sick if you drink it

5. You will smell good if you take a shower.

So this conditional first type can be used for future conditionals.

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2020



Conditional sentences are sentences in English to express wishes, hopes and prejudices.


General formula for conditional sentences:

If + condition + consequence


can also use:

Consequences + if + conditions

Conditional Type Zero


Conditional type zero is simple and easy to understand. The conditional type zero is used to represent "If .... then".


The formula for conditional type zero is:

If + simple gift + simple gift

Can also:

Simple gift + if + simple gift



1. The grass gets wet of it rains

2. If you do that, the book damage

3. If we burn tissue, it becomes ash

4. I feel sad, i eat chocolate

5. If i eat spicy food, i feel excited

Example Video:




Rabu, 07 Oktober 2020

Passive Voice

Passive voice

When emphasis is on the action (verb) and object of a sentence rather than the subject of a sentence.

It means that:

- Action is more important than the subject

- Subject is unknown

- Even when the subject is known, it is put at the end


Rules for change active voice to passive voice:

- Identify the subject, the verb and the object.

- Change the object into subjek

- Put the suitable helping verb or auxiliary verb. In case the helping verb is given, use the same verb but note that the helping verb given agrees with the object

- Change the verb into the past participle form

- At the preposition "by"

- Change the subject into object.


1. Active: She closed the door

Passive: The door c;osed by her.

2. Active: He playing basketball.

Passive: The basketball played by him.

Example video about passive voice at dialog:

Passive Voice at Song:

Linkin Park-Numb

I'm tired of being what you want me to be (Passive Voice)
Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface
Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)
I've become so numb, I can't feel you there
Become so tired, so much more aware
I'm becoming this, all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you
Can't you see that you're smothering me?
Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control
'Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you
(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)
And every second I waste is more than I can take
I've become so numb, I can't feel you there
Become so tired, so much more aware
I'm becoming this, all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you
And I know I may end up failing too
But I know you were just like me with someone disappointed in you
I've become so numb, I can't feel you there
Become so tired, so much more aware
I'm becoming this, all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you
I've become so numb, I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
I've become so numb, I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be

Carrie Underwood - Inside Your Heaven


I've been down (Passive Voice)
Now I'm blessed
I felt a revelation coming around
I guess it's right; it's so amazing
Every time I see you I'm alive
You're all I've got
You lift me up
The sun and the moonlight
All my dreams are in your eyes
And I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows your way
And I wanna be the earth that holds you
Every bit of air you're breathin' in
A soothin' wind
I wanna be inside your heaven
When we touch, when we love
The stars light up
The wrong becomes undone
Naturally, my soul surrenders
The sun and the moonlight
All my dreams are in your eyes
And I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows your way
And I wanna be the earth that holds you
Every bit of air you're breathin' in
A soothin' wind
I wanna be inside your heaven
When minutes turn to days and years
If mountains fall, I'll still be here
Holdin' you until the day I die
I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows your way
Wanna be inside
Where the storm blows your way
I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows your way
And I wanna be the earth that holds you
Every bit of air you're breathin' in
A soothin' wind
I wanna be inside your heaven

Rabu, 02 September 2020

Writing Letter


Letter Writing


A letter is a message written for someone else we want to tell or someone we want to notify via writing sent by the post office or individual.

Types of Letters

1.Formal letter

Formal letter is a letter issued by an individual, organization, or certain institution, which is formal in nature and has official interests. Usually this letter concerns the interests of the duties and activities of the agency's service concerned

2. Informal letter also known as personal letter

Personal letter are letters that are writing to people we know such as friends, parents, siblings, and cousins. Letters are not only written to inform but to strengthen the bond between two pepole writing each other.


Structure of Personal Letter


Date when the letter is written (top left).


Place where you are writing from (top right).

Salutation and Name

Greeting and the person's name you writing to.


The opening  of the letter usually starts with how are you or refers to previous letter.


The main part of the letter. It includes what you want to write to the other person.


The part indicates the letter is going to end.

Complimentary close

Short expressions like "love you", "sincerely yours", "love".


Signature or initials of the writer.

Postcript P.S

After thought in a letter. You begin with P.S. And end it with your initials.

Letter example

Jl.Mardani Raya Rusun Jatirawasari

Blok B Lt.3 No.19 Kota Jakarta Pusat,DKI Jakarta


3 September 2020

My friend Nadila


Hi Nadila!

I’m fine, How about you? I hope ypu are good too. It’s true that wa haven’t met for more than 6 month because of this Covid Virus.

While study at home, many problems happened to me, like i didn’t understand man subjects because of studying onlin. But we have a little diference i am not too bored at home because from childhood i was always at home, i am one of those people who rarely play but there are some time that make me eel bored at home and want to go on vacation.

I also hope this pandemic will end soon so that we can go o school as usual and meet friends as usual.


Lots of Love



P.S. Be diligent in taking vitamins!

The structure of letter

Jl.Mardani Raya Rusun Jatirawasari

Address                            Blok B Lt.3 No.19 Kota Jakarta Pusat,DKI Jakarta


3 September 2020                Date

My friend Nadila,                Salutation


Hi Nadila!            Greetings

I’m fine, How about you?    Introduction    I hope ypu are good too. It’s true that wa haven’t met for more than 6 month because of this Covid Virus.

While study at home, many problems happened to me, like i didn’t understand man subjects because of studying onlin. But we have a little diference i am not too bored at home because from childhood i was always at home, i am one of those people who rarely play but there are some time that make me eel bored at home and want to go on vacation.                The content of the letter

I also hope this pandemic will end soon so that we can go o school as usual and meet friends as usual.            Closure


Lots of Love                closing

Ismi                Signature


P.S. Be diligent in taking vitamins!                Postscript



Example video of letter
Letter 1
Replied Letter

Dialog reason about the letter

Kamis, 20 Agustus 2020




The Definition of Exposition Text

Exposition Text is an analytical position text evaluates a topic critically but focuses only on one side of an argument.

The argument and point of view have to be supported by facts and relevant information. The thesis statement has to be reiterated in the conclusion.


The Purpose of Exposition Text

The purpose of an exposition text is to persuade your audience to look at an issue wih your perspective.


The Structure of Exposition Text

1.Title is tells about the essay.

2.Introduction is a preview of the pointyou plan make to suppor your thesis(argument), introductory statement should be an emotional statement or a question that is an attention grabber and here you state the topic and establish the point of view(theis statement).

3.Body is a series of argument to convince the audience, each paragrph has main point, use of emotive words, mental verbs, causal conjunctions to persuade the audience and each paragraph has to be logically linked.

4. Conclusion is reiterates or restate the thesis state and summarizes what has been state.


Types of Exposition Text

1.Definition exposition text, definition exposition text describes an object or phenomenon with a focus on certain characteristics.

2.Exposition text illustration. illustrative exposition text explains by illustrating or depicting a thing.

3.Process exposition text, process exposition text describes the process (stages) of doing something.

4.News exposition text, news exposition text describes certain phenomena or events.

5.Comparative exposition text, comparative exposition text explains an idea by comparing something.

6.Controversy exposition text, controversy exposition text describes a contradiction.

7.Analytical exposition text, the analytical exposition text identifies the main idea into sub-sections and is then developed sequentially.

8.Classification exposition text, classification exposition text describes the division or grouping into certain categories.

Example of Exposition Text

Protecting the Environment (Title)


Environmental cleanliness is a very important factor and needs to be considered in society. This will have an impact on the comfort and health of the community in everyday life.The government and health agencies often promote activities to combat environmental pollution to prevent unwanted things from happening, such as the emergence of disease outbreaks that are dangerous to people's health and well-being.These countermeasures include disposing of garbage in its place, recycling organic and non-organic waste, and so on.


Mutual cooperation in cleaning and protecting the environment on a regular basis by scheduling each group of family heads is an alternative in overcoming environmental pollution.In one RT consisting of several family heads, it is divided into several groups according to the number of days available and according to the agreed schedule.In addition, Sundays are also used as routine community service activities for the entire village community which starts in the morning.There are many benefits that can be obtained from these activities, in addition to cleanliness and health, there will also be strong solidarity relations between residents between them.


Environmental cleanliness is something that cannot be separated from society and is an important factor for health and comfort in society.Cleanliness of the community environment will ensure health and comfort for each individual in society. This will be achieved if it is carried out mutually through organized, scheduled, and integrated community service.

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2020



Linguistic Elements

1. Expressions and terms used in official invitations
2. Singular and plural nouns with or without a, the, this, those, my, their, etc.
3. Speech, word pressure, intonation, spelling, punctuation, and handwriting

Types of Invitation:
1.   Formal
A formal invitation is an invitation which follows a dignified form, tone or style in agreement with the established norm. 

Social Function:

Inviting people to formal and social event.

Linguistic Characteristics:

Simple, precise, and concise word detailed information the tone should be friendly and sincare. Words should be chosen carefully. The style of writing should be formal.

For example;
- An invitation to the a school
- An invitation to a graduation ceremony
- An invitation to a wedding
- Social Function: Inviting people to formal and social event.

Example :

Ismi: What's in your hand?

Nadila: oh yeah, this is my birthday party invitation, here's yours.

Ismi: The invitation card is good, who designed it?

Nadila: I made it, is it really good?

Ismi: Yes, it is very good, I will attend your birthday party.

Nadila: Alright I'll wait for you at my party.

          1.  Informal

Informal invitations are cards or invitation letters given to friends that are more comfortable.

The information in the informal invitation:
1. Sender or organizer of the event.
2. The purpose of the event is held.
3. Number that can be contacted to inform attendance.
3. The venue and time of the event

. Example:
- Birthday party invitation
- Dinner party invitation
- Reunion invitation


Nadila : Hello Mrs. i would like to invite you to my wedding party

Ismi : May i know when and where ?

Nadila : This sunday at 9 p.m at the Whiz Hotel

Ismi : Okay i will be there

Nadila : Great! i'll see you then!

Ismi : My pleasure. See you then!


Invitation is divided into 2 kinds, namely Formal Invitation and Informal Invitation. Formal invitations are usually used to invite important guests or important events that are more formal while informal nvitation is usually used for more relaxed events used to invite friends.

Rabu, 29 Juli 2020



An opinion is the way you feel or think about something. Our opinion about something or someone is based on our perspective. Whenever we give or express our opinion, it is important to give reasoning or an example to support our opinion.

We can use collocations to express opnions, for example strong argument, strong criticism, strong denial, strong opinion, strong resistance, quite strongly.

General Point of View

These expressions are used to show a general to show a general point of view. A general point of view creates a balance  in writing and helps avoid absolute statements.

With what you are saying
Don’t agree
With you
This is not the right way to handle things
This could be right considering the reasons you have provided
That this is possible
You are blased this issue
You are mistaken
Don’t think

You can agree or disagree as long as you have a reason for your opinion.

Agreeing with an opinion

These are some of the expression used to express agreement with an opinion.
Example  :
- I agree with this opinion
- I think so too
- Of course
- That's a good point

Disagreeing with an opinion

These are the expression used to express disagreement with an opinion.
Example :
- I don't agree with you
- I don't think so
- I think that a bad idea
- I think you are wrong

Example Dialog 1 :

Ismi              :   What do you think about the corona virus outbreak?

Nadila          :   I think it's bad, because the virus can spread very quickly !

Ismi              :   I think so too, this virus is really bad.

Nadila          :   I told you, we must be careful and  take care our health.

Example Dialog 2:

Ismi : Hmn What would you do if you fell in a crowded place?

Nadila : That I might get up quickly and leave the place.

Ismi : That I would fake fainting to avoid embarrassment.

Nadila : Hmn may also be like that to reduce embarrassment.


Exercise page 9-11