Rabu, 05 Agustus 2020



Linguistic Elements

1. Expressions and terms used in official invitations
2. Singular and plural nouns with or without a, the, this, those, my, their, etc.
3. Speech, word pressure, intonation, spelling, punctuation, and handwriting

Types of Invitation:
1.   Formal
A formal invitation is an invitation which follows a dignified form, tone or style in agreement with the established norm. 

Social Function:

Inviting people to formal and social event.

Linguistic Characteristics:

Simple, precise, and concise word detailed information the tone should be friendly and sincare. Words should be chosen carefully. The style of writing should be formal.

For example;
- An invitation to the a school
- An invitation to a graduation ceremony
- An invitation to a wedding
- Social Function: Inviting people to formal and social event.

Example :

Ismi: What's in your hand?

Nadila: oh yeah, this is my birthday party invitation, here's yours.

Ismi: The invitation card is good, who designed it?

Nadila: I made it, is it really good?

Ismi: Yes, it is very good, I will attend your birthday party.

Nadila: Alright I'll wait for you at my party.

          1.  Informal

Informal invitations are cards or invitation letters given to friends that are more comfortable.

The information in the informal invitation:
1. Sender or organizer of the event.
2. The purpose of the event is held.
3. Number that can be contacted to inform attendance.
3. The venue and time of the event

. Example:
- Birthday party invitation
- Dinner party invitation
- Reunion invitation


Nadila : Hello Mrs. i would like to invite you to my wedding party

Ismi : May i know when and where ?

Nadila : This sunday at 9 p.m at the Whiz Hotel

Ismi : Okay i will be there

Nadila : Great! i'll see you then!

Ismi : My pleasure. See you then!


Invitation is divided into 2 kinds, namely Formal Invitation and Informal Invitation. Formal invitations are usually used to invite important guests or important events that are more formal while informal nvitation is usually used for more relaxed events used to invite friends.

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