Sabtu, 05 Juni 2021

Letter to God


A letter to god, I want to say thank you for being born into the world for his permission. I thank you for being born into a very good family.

Letter to God, I thank you for sending good people around me. Thank you for bringing people who didn't hurt me either directly or indirectly.

A letter to God, I hope everyone feels happiness from the smallest things, I hope everyone feels a peaceful life in this world.

I hope all children in the world feel as happy as I do. I hope everyone gets enough to live life.

I hope no one else distinguishes others. I hope everyone is surrounded by good people.

I want to tell you that there are many things that make me sad, many things that make me hurt, but you always send happiness from the unexpected.

You give me so much happiness, until I feel that I am a less grateful creature.

Letter to God, I know that my desires are much more than what I wrote above, forgive me who has many sins but also has many desires.

A letter to God, there's nothing else I can say but thank you. Thank you for what you gave me.

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