Sabtu, 05 Juni 2021

Letter to God


A letter to god, I want to say thank you for being born into the world for his permission. I thank you for being born into a very good family.

Letter to God, I thank you for sending good people around me. Thank you for bringing people who didn't hurt me either directly or indirectly.

A letter to God, I hope everyone feels happiness from the smallest things, I hope everyone feels a peaceful life in this world.

I hope all children in the world feel as happy as I do. I hope everyone gets enough to live life.

I hope no one else distinguishes others. I hope everyone is surrounded by good people.

I want to tell you that there are many things that make me sad, many things that make me hurt, but you always send happiness from the unexpected.

You give me so much happiness, until I feel that I am a less grateful creature.

Letter to God, I know that my desires are much more than what I wrote above, forgive me who has many sins but also has many desires.

A letter to God, there's nothing else I can say but thank you. Thank you for what you gave me.

Rabu, 26 Mei 2021

The Last Leaf


Narrative Text

Golden Hand

One day at a school there was a student who was very quiet and indifferent to other people. But somehow everyone knows him, he is often confused because many people call him but he doesn't know who the person who called him is.

One day he passed a class that was busy, at first he was ignorant but because he was too curious he finally entered the class and finally he knew why the class was crowded.

That's because one of the students' laptop died and couldn't be turned on. There have been people who tried to fix it but couldn't. Until finally he tried to turn on the laptop and the laptop turned on.Everyone was shocked even himself, other students said that they had tried what the guy did before but couldn't.

 The students were busy saying "He really has a golden hand". It turns out that other students know him because he has also fixed the position of a dead plant so that the plant is alive again. He is known as the Golden Hand because he can fix things when other people can't, that has been the case since he was little.

Rabu, 28 April 2021

Biography Raden Adjeng Kartini


Raden Adjeng Kartini is a very smart and respected woman. Raden Adjeng Kartini was born in Jepara on April 21, 1879. Raden Adjeng Kartini came from the priyayi class or the Javanese aristocratic class. She is the daughter of Raden Mas Adipati Ario Sosroningrat, a patih who was appointed regent of Jepara immediately after Kartini was born. Kartini is the daughter of the first wife, but not the main wife. His mother named M.A. Ngasirah, daughter of Nyai Haji Siti Aminah and Kyai Haji Madirono, a religion teacher in Telukawur, Jepara.

Kartini is the fifth child of 11 biological and step siblings. Of all the siblings, Kartini is the oldest daughter. His grandfather, Pangeran Ario Tjondronegoro IV, was appointed regent at the age of 25 and was known in the mid-19th century as one of the first regents to provide Western education to his children. Kartini's older brother, Sosrokartono, was a smart language expert. Until the age of 12 years, Kartini was allowed to attend Europeesche Lagere School (ELS). Here, among others, Kartini learned Dutch. However, after the age of 12 years, he had to stay at home because he could be secluded.

Because Kartini could speak Dutch, at home she began to study on her own and write letters to correspondence friends who came from the Netherlands. One of them is Rosa Abendanon who supports her a lot. From European books, newspapers and magazines, Kartini was interested in the progress of European women's thinking. His desire arose to promote indigenous women, because he saw that indigenous women were at a low social status.

By her parents, Kartini was matched with the regent of Rembang, K.R.M. Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat, who already had three wives. Kartini married on November 12, 1903. Her husband understood Kartini and Kartini's wishes to be given freedom and was supported to establish a women's school to the east of the gate of the Rembang district office complex, or in a building which is now used as the Scout Building. Her first and last child, Soesalit Djojoadhiningrat, was born on September 13, 1904. A few days later, September 17, 1904, Kartini died at the age of 25. Kartini was buried in Bulu Village, Bulu District, Rembang.

The prohibition to pursue her dreams of going to school that arose from her family and the news about the progress of women in Europe that sparked her heart to fight for women's rights in Indonesia, especially in the field of education.RA Kartini has the motto of Habis Gelap Terbitlah Light which means that after difficulties, there must be a way or ease. Like the difficulties of women in ancient times. They are treated only one eye, are deprived of their right to education, are forced to marry at a young age, and are only allowed to stay at home to take care of their children.

These difficulties and injustices made R.A. Kartini struggled to equalize rights between women and men, one of which was in terms of education. She tries to teach women how to read and write from childhood to adulthood. Many oppose her brave and noble efforts, but she still tries to raise the status of women in Indonesia. Until finally, the efforts he did unyielding to produce the results that we feel until now.


Rabu, 21 April 2021

Vanity, What is Thy Price?

Madam Loisel is a beautiful woman, but she was born into a poor family. The house, chairs, walls, curtains, chairs and others are in poor condition.

One day her husband received an invitation from Monsieur and Madam Ramponneau to a party. But Madam Loisel did not have a nice dress to wear, her husband told her to wear her old dress but it was so damaged and old that she asked to buy a new one.

Finally, Madam Loisel bought a beautiful new dress but she still felt ashamed that she didn't have any jewelry. Her husband gave the idea of ​​borrowing jewelery from Madam Loisel's friend and she agreed.

Something uncomfortable happened to Madam Loisel when she lost Madam Forestier's necklace. After looking for the necklace they did not find it so they had to replace it for 20,000 francs and it cost them their property.

Madam Loisel accidentally saw a friend she greeted her but her friend did not recognize her and said that it was impossible for Madam Loisel to be old and limp. Until finally Madam Loisel told her what had happened, Madam Forestier was surprised because it was too much money to replace a piece of jewelry and said that the necklace she was wearing was a fake which only cost 500 francs. Madame Forestier said that Madame Loisel was very poor.


Scene 1:

Scene 2:

Scene 3:

Scene 4:

Rabu, 14 April 2021



My hopes and dreams 

Talk about the hopes and dreams everyone has, everyone has different hopes and dreams. On this occasion I will convey my hopes and dreams which may come true. 

My dream is that I can improve myself and develop myself into a valuable person so that I can help Indonesia progress. Become a person who is not only smart and intelligent, but also has good behavior and character. 

My hope is that someday Indonesia will become a superpower that can make maximum use of nature and local labor without destroying nature. So that Indonesia is not only economically advanced but also preserves nature so that our children and grandchildren can see and get to know the animals or plants that we see today. 

Maybe that's all I say, once again everyone has hopes and dreams, both big and small. Strive to make our hopes and dreams come true.

Rabu, 17 Maret 2021



In today's advanced, sophisticated and modern age, everything develops rapidly as technology and people's thinking change. However, in this advanced era, there is still bullying at school, home or in the home environment.

Bullying (known in Indonesian as "oppression / risak")constitutes all forms of oppression or violence committed intentionally by one person or group of stronger people or power over others, with the aim of hurting and done continuously.

Types of bullying:
  • Physical bullying
  • Verbally bullying
  • Mental bullying
  • Direct physical contact
  • Direct verbal contact
  • Direct non-verbal behavior
  • Indirect non-verbal behavior
  • Cyber ​​bullying
a. Impact on victims:
- Depression and anger
- low attendance and low academic achievement
- Decreased intelligence test scores (IQ) and analytical skills
b. Impact on the perpetrator:
Doers have high self-esteem with high self-esteem too high, tend to be aggressive with pro behavior against violence, typical of people who are violent, irritable and impulsive, low tolerance for frustration. Have a need strong to dominate others and less empathetic towards the target.
c. Impact on other students who witness bullying (bystanders):
Several students might join the bullies for fear of being the next target and some others may just be silent alone without doing anything and the worst they felt there's no need to stop it.

Here are some steps parents can take to prevent bullying:

-Institute moral values ​​from an early age.
-Encourage children to jointly assess and distinguish good deeds from actions that are not appropriate to others.
-Build good communication with children, and accompany them in the process of growth and development.
-Teach children how to be assertive, aka firm but always polite, so that they are not easily bullied and become a people pleaser.
-You can also advise your child to dare to report to teachers at school when they experience bullying behavior.
-If your child feels unable to speak directly, maybe he or she can write them a letter or email them.
-If your child is a bully, then invite the child to discuss and find out the cause. Explain that this is not acceptable behavior, and is not acceptable.
-Parents can invite children (both perpetrators and victims) to undergo counseling so that their thought patterns and behavior can be better directed.
Last but not least, be a good role model for children. Because consciously or not, children will imitate their parents as a measure of behavior.

My story:

Talking about bullying, I have experienced it from elementary school to junior high school, only a verbal bullying is said to be grumpy, dirty, short or snub. It didn't really matter to me because I realized that I was. All I do is shut up and accept the reality. That's all my story I'm afraid what I'm telling you is boring hehe.

Rabu, 24 Februari 2021

Narrative Text


Narrative text is a text that contains a story that has a chronology of interrelated events. Narrative text aims to entertain the reader with a story or tale.

There are several types of Narrative text:

1. Fairy tale

This type of fairy tale contains fairies, mermaids, and other wonders of the fairy world

2. Mystery

Stories that have cases or storylines that are not yet known for sure and attract people's curiosity

3. Science fiction

A form of speculative fiction which deals primarily with the imagined influence of science and technology on society and individuals

4. Romance

Tells about the love journey of a couple that is very beautifully packaged

5. Horror

Stories that try to provoke emotions in the form of fear and horror from the audience

6. Fable

Stories that usually feature animals or animals in the story (real or mythical) where the animals or animals in the story are given human-like qualities to convey moral messages to the reader

7. Myth

Tells stories about the events of the universe, the world and the creatures that inhabit it, topographical forms, stories of supernatural beings and so on.

8. History

Text that explains and tells about facts and past events that become the background for the occurrence of something that has historical value

9. Slice of life

Describes depictions of worldly experiences in art and entertainment

10. Personal experience

Text that tells the events experienced by a person made easy to read

11. Lagents

Are based on history, even some people believe the truth of the story even though it is not supported by facts and logic


Characteristics of Narrative Text

1.Using action verbs in the form of past tenses

2.Using a specific noun as a pronoun

3.Using the Adjective to form Noun Phrase

4.Use the Conjunction to sort events


Text narrative structure:

1. Orientation

Orientation or so-called introduction, contains about who, when, where a story is set.

2. Complication

Complication tells the beginning of the problem that causes the peak of the problem or what is commonly called the climax. This section usually involves the main character of the story.

3. Resolution

This section is the end of the story or in the form of a solution to the problem that occurred. Problems can be resolved can be for better or even worse which will later make the story end happily or reverse re-orientation The part is the closing of a story which is optional. Re-orientation can contain moral lessons, suggestions or teachings from the author

4. Re-orientation

The part is the closing of a story which is optional. Re-orientation can contain moral lessons, suggestions or teachings from the author.


Example Narrative text:

Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl with her father, her stepmother, and her stepsister. One day, her father passed away. Her stepmother and stepsister treated her very bad whereas they used to love her before her father died. She had to do all the house work.

On the morning day, Bawang Putih went to the river to wash a lot of clothes. Then she saw a goldfish needed a help. Its mouth was stuck on a hook. Bawang Putih felt sorry and helped the poor goldfish.

“Thank you for your kindness”, the goldfish said.

Bawang Putih was very surprised that the goldfish could speak. However the goldfish helped her to wash the clothes and they became best friend.

Unfortunately, Bawang Merah her stepsister knew about the goldfish. She caught the goldfish and gave it to her mom. After that, they cooked it and ate it. When Bawang Putih knew it, she took the bone and buried it. She felt very sad that she could not take care of her best friend.

Several days later, grew a beautiful tree on the burial. Surprisingly, a Prince came to see it. he needed the tree to make his father well again. When he asked who own the tree, Bawang Merah said that it was hers. However, when she wanted to pull the tree, she could not do it. Even everyone could not do it, but Bawang Putih. Bawang Putih pull the tree easily and gave it to the Prince.

The Prince married Bawang Putih. She forgave her stepmother and stepsister and they lived happily ever after.


Structure from bawang putih dan bawang merah story:

1. Orientation

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl with her father, her stepmother, and her stepsister.......

2. Complication

On the morning day, Bawang Putih went to the river to wash a lot of clothes......

3. Resolution

Several days later, grew a beautiful tree on the burial.......

4. Re-Orientation

The Prince married Bawang Putih. She forgave her....... 

The Story of Mouse Deer and Farmer

Once there were a mouse deer and a farmer. The farmer planted cucumber in his farm. In the same time the mouse deer was trying to steal the cucumbers.

One day, when the mouse deer wanted to steal the cucumber, he saw a scarecrow int the farmer’s field. He was frightened in the first time but soon found that the scarecrow could not scare off him. Even he punched the scarecrow with his front leg. Unluckily his front leg got stuck in the scarecrow because the farmer had filled it with strong adhesive glue.

The mouse deer forcefully tried to pull out his leg, but it did not work. The glue was too strong for him to set free. Not long after that, the farmer came. The farmer was satisfied to his work. The mouse deer was finally trapped. Then the farmer put the mouse deer in a cage.

The mouse deer was really in a big trouble as the farmer’s dog came approaching him. The dog said that the mouse deer would be cut and cooked for the following morning. In such dangerous situation, the mouse deer kept calm even relaxed. Of course it made the dog confused and asked the mouse deer why  he was not scared. So the mouse deer answered,” I’ll not be cooked but I’ll be a prince” Hearing the answer, the dog became more confused then the mouse deer continued. “I’m going to marry the farmer’s daughter so I’m going to be a prince. I am sad about you. You have loyalties but they are paid just like this” The mouse deer knew that the dog felt unhappy and continued proudly, “Now, look at me! I’ll become a prince in this house tomorrow”

The dog felt discriminated and asked the mouse deer to switch place. The dog thought that by switching place with the mouse deer in the cage, he would become a prince. The mouse deer agreed. Soon the dog opened the cage and let the mouse deer free.

Structure from The Story of Mouse Deer and Farmer:

1. Orientation

Once there were a mouse deer and a farmer........

2. Complication

One day, when the mouse deer wanted to steal the cucumber.....

3. Resolution

The dog felt discriminated and asked the mouse deer......

4. Re-Orientation

The mouse deer agreed. Soon the dog opened the cage and......

My story with Narrative structure:

My Brother’s Cat

One day my brother's pet cat gave birth to a cute kitten, usually if the cat has given birth she will be more possessive of the kitten and fierce if anyone approaches her. But the cat that my brother keeps is not like that, she is very obedient and calm.

On a time when our family woke up for Sahur, the cat's mother went missing somewhere leaving her kitten alone. The kitten who is only 1 week old is very calm but we are very worried about the kitten why. Already from 10 pm the cat mother disappeared, we waited for the cat to come home but did not come home, at 5 am my mother gave the kitten a drink.

We wondered if the cat really didn't go back to what about the kittens, what milk should they give. We keep thinking about it because this is our first time taking care of a cat especially since it was just born.

Until finally in the morning the cat's mother returned home, we felt relieved and at the same time confused about where the cat went all night.


With Structure:


One day my brother's pet cat gave birth to a cute kitten.....


On a time when our family woke up for Sahur, the cat's mother went missing somewhere leaving her...


We wondered if the cat really didn't go back to what about the kittens.....


Until finally in the morning the cat's mother returned home.....

Rabu, 17 Februari 2021

Enchanted Fish


     Enchanted fish is a folk tale that teaches us about a hope that will always exist. The bad nature of greed that brings disaster to itself. 
     And also teaches that we must be assertive and responsible people so that we can guide the people closest to us to realize that what they are doing is wrong.
     I made a banner out of the folktale. In the banner that I made there is a picture of a fish, I purposely made it like a polaroid photo to attract visitors. 
     The sentences I use are also not long so they are easy to read when people pass them. And there is also an address and entrance fee so that visitors are not confused.

Selasa, 09 Februari 2021

Figures Of Speech

Definition Figure of speech

Figure of speech is an expression or figure of speech that is used for literacy needs both oral and written. Figure of speech serves to beautify English words which are usually used to write poetry, poetry, and even prose.

Kinds of Figure of speech:


It is a figure of speech that has a function to beautify the types of English sentences such as the use of repeated words. Example:

a. She sells seashells

b.Niko needed new notebooks

c.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers


Is a figure of speech that is used to compare something or an idea. Example:

a. Time is money

b. Look like cherrybomb

c. The wheel of life is always turning


Onompatopoeia is a figure of speech that specifically writes the sound of something.Example:

a. Splash

b. Woosh

c. Oink

4. Personification 

Personification is a sentence that makes inanimate objects appear to be alive. Example:

a. The pen dances on the paper

b. Dancing leaves

c. The flowers nod too


Simile is a figure of speech that compares or presupposes something or an object. Example:

a. Hard as a rock

b. Light as a feather

c. Clear as a water

6. Hyperbole

Hyperbole is a sentence that exaggerates an event, word, behavior or expression. Example:

a. He had a temper tantrum

b. I can do this all day long

c. In shame he would melt


Anaphora is a writing technique in which a phrase or beginning in a word is the same and is repeated in a sentence. Example:

a. I will, I must, I can do it

b. The tree, The grass, The wind is very cool

c. It eyes, It colors, It fur is very beautifull

8. Idioms are typical expressions that cannot be explained logically or grammatically, but add to the beauty, charm and appeal of a language


a. This is a life and death situation

b. Beat around the bush

c. Don't beat around the bush

Explanation on video:

Example from song:

1. Titanium by David Guetta
You shoot me down but I won’t fall
i am titanium(metaphor)

2. Regular by NCT 127
Better bring your raincoat (Splash) (Onompatopoeia)

3. Your Love is King by Sade
Your love is king
Crown you with my heart (Hyperbole
4. Regular by NCT 127
I like shinin', you be lyin' (simile)

5. Let it go by Idina Menzel
the wind is howling (personification)

6. My heart will go on by Celine Dion
near far, whenever you are(imaginery)

7. From home by NCT U
Rainbow is a promise that you and I will meet again (Personification)

8. Misfit by NCT U
I don't know how to listen, like I'm a deaf (simile)

9. Misfit by NCT U
Suffocated, like I'm wearing clothes that don't fit (Hyperbole)

10.Misfit by NCT U
Why do I have to stay in place? No way (Hypophora)

11. Misfit by NCT U
No rules to control us, no way to stop us (Anaphora)

12. Make a wish by NCT U
I can do this all day (Hyperbole)

13. Make a wish by NCT U
Swimming in the money like royalty (Hyperbole)

Example from one song with some figure of speech and the song was my favorite:

Regular by NCT 127(English Version)

Yeah, yeah
I like shinin', you be lyin' (simile
I be grindin', you waste time 
Know you wanna roll with me
'Cause you know I put it down
When I show up
I'm the one and only
No, no, no (No, no)
Yeah, pull up in the Jag
Haters gon' be mad
I be walkin' with the cheese
That's that queso (Queso, queso)
Diamonds drippin'(Idiom
Better bring your raincoat (Splash)(Onompatopoeia
I got them racks on me (On me)
I brought the whole lit team with me(Hyperbole
I might pull up in a spaceship (Hyperbole
Hop out, it don't look like I live here (Simile

My video explanation+Dubbing:

Rabu, 27 Januari 2021

Explanation Text

1. Definition of Explanation text

Explanation text is a type of text in English that describes a process that functions to provide information to readers about a process.

2. Purpose of explanation text

Explanation text serves to provide information to readers about a process.

 3. The characteristics of the explanation text

     a. Using the Simple Present Tense 

     b. Using Action Verbs 

     c. Using Passive Voice Using Noun                 Phrases 

      d. Using Technical Terms Contains                 an explanation of the process 

4. Explanation text structure

General statement

Contains general information about topics to be discussed in the text. 


The sequence of events from a process which is the topic of the text. We can also explain by using why and how questions, so that the explanation we convey is more comprehensive and usually includes supporting sentences. 


The cover or cover is optional or not required in this text. This section may contain additional information or the author's opinion on the topics covered.

 5. Examples and structure

 Butterfly metamorphosis

 General statement 

To grow into an adult, a butterfly goes through 4 stages, namely egg, larva, pupa and adult. Depending on the type of butterfly, the life cycle of a butterfly can last from one month to a full year. 


A butterfly begins life as a very small, round, oval, or cylindrical egg. The eggs hatch and the young ones called larvae or caterpillars emerge from the eggs. The first caterpillar eats the egg shell in which it was born. Then it started eating the leaves and started growing. The exoskeleton (skin) does not stretch or grow, so it grows by "molting" (shedding the growing skin) several times as it grows. As soon as the caterpillar has finished growing and reaches its full length, it forms itself into a cocoon, which is also known as a cocoon. The cocoon remains motionless inside the cocoon. Inside the cocoon, the pupa undergoes a series of changes. After about 15 days, a beautiful adult butterfly emerges from the cocoon. 


When the butterfly comes out, the wings are small and wet, then the butterfly pumps the liquid into it to make it strong and expand. After a few hours, the wings become strong enough and the butterfly can fly. 

Example Video:


First try:

Second try:


Senin, 18 Januari 2021



Cause and effect is a cause and effect relationship, a sentence that has cause and effect. Cause itself means a sentence that contains something that happens while the effect is the result of something.


Clue of the cause sentence: Because, since, cause, reason, so that, unless, etc.

Clue sentence effect: If, therefore, effect, if, etc.



1. She fell ill because of a strict diet, so she stopped going on a strict diet.

Cause: He fell ill from a strict diet

Effect: That's why he stopped going on a strict diet.


2. She has very bad hair loss because she rarely takes care of it, so now she's starting to take care of her hair.

Cause: She had very bad hair loss from taking care of it rarely

Effect: That's why now he's starting to take care of his hair


3. He got bad grades because he was lazy to study so he started studying.

Cause: He got bad grades because he was lazy to study

Effect: That's why he started studying


4. He gets a medal for winning the contest therefore he throws the party.

Cause: He got a medal for winning a contest

Effect: That's why he's throwing a party


5. He can buy a car because he works so hard.

Cause: Because he worked really hard

Effect: He can buy a car


Example Video:



Rabu, 06 Januari 2021


 At first i will share my new year story. 

On New Years Eve our family just stayed home and burned the food. There are many types of food that we grill, such as sausages, meatballs and corn.

We burned a lot of food, my uncle's family is here to meet after a long time.Not to forget I saw beautiful fireworks even though they were loud. But I still like it.

My hope in 2021 is that I become a better person, more diligent, more disciplined and I also hope that in 2021 Indonesia and the world will recover quickly from all disasters. And I hope everyone is well and achieves what is expected.