Rabu, 17 Maret 2021



In today's advanced, sophisticated and modern age, everything develops rapidly as technology and people's thinking change. However, in this advanced era, there is still bullying at school, home or in the home environment.

Bullying (known in Indonesian as "oppression / risak")constitutes all forms of oppression or violence committed intentionally by one person or group of stronger people or power over others, with the aim of hurting and done continuously.

Types of bullying:
  • Physical bullying
  • Verbally bullying
  • Mental bullying
  • Direct physical contact
  • Direct verbal contact
  • Direct non-verbal behavior
  • Indirect non-verbal behavior
  • Cyber ​​bullying
a. Impact on victims:
- Depression and anger
- low attendance and low academic achievement
- Decreased intelligence test scores (IQ) and analytical skills
b. Impact on the perpetrator:
Doers have high self-esteem with high self-esteem too high, tend to be aggressive with pro behavior against violence, typical of people who are violent, irritable and impulsive, low tolerance for frustration. Have a need strong to dominate others and less empathetic towards the target.
c. Impact on other students who witness bullying (bystanders):
Several students might join the bullies for fear of being the next target and some others may just be silent alone without doing anything and the worst they felt there's no need to stop it.

Here are some steps parents can take to prevent bullying:

-Institute moral values ​​from an early age.
-Encourage children to jointly assess and distinguish good deeds from actions that are not appropriate to others.
-Build good communication with children, and accompany them in the process of growth and development.
-Teach children how to be assertive, aka firm but always polite, so that they are not easily bullied and become a people pleaser.
-You can also advise your child to dare to report to teachers at school when they experience bullying behavior.
-If your child feels unable to speak directly, maybe he or she can write them a letter or email them.
-If your child is a bully, then invite the child to discuss and find out the cause. Explain that this is not acceptable behavior, and is not acceptable.
-Parents can invite children (both perpetrators and victims) to undergo counseling so that their thought patterns and behavior can be better directed.
Last but not least, be a good role model for children. Because consciously or not, children will imitate their parents as a measure of behavior.

My story:

Talking about bullying, I have experienced it from elementary school to junior high school, only a verbal bullying is said to be grumpy, dirty, short or snub. It didn't really matter to me because I realized that I was. All I do is shut up and accept the reality. That's all my story I'm afraid what I'm telling you is boring hehe.