Rabu, 27 Januari 2021

Explanation Text

1. Definition of Explanation text

Explanation text is a type of text in English that describes a process that functions to provide information to readers about a process.

2. Purpose of explanation text

Explanation text serves to provide information to readers about a process.

 3. The characteristics of the explanation text

     a. Using the Simple Present Tense 

     b. Using Action Verbs 

     c. Using Passive Voice Using Noun                 Phrases 

      d. Using Technical Terms Contains                 an explanation of the process 

4. Explanation text structure

General statement

Contains general information about topics to be discussed in the text. 


The sequence of events from a process which is the topic of the text. We can also explain by using why and how questions, so that the explanation we convey is more comprehensive and usually includes supporting sentences. 


The cover or cover is optional or not required in this text. This section may contain additional information or the author's opinion on the topics covered.

 5. Examples and structure

 Butterfly metamorphosis

 General statement 

To grow into an adult, a butterfly goes through 4 stages, namely egg, larva, pupa and adult. Depending on the type of butterfly, the life cycle of a butterfly can last from one month to a full year. 


A butterfly begins life as a very small, round, oval, or cylindrical egg. The eggs hatch and the young ones called larvae or caterpillars emerge from the eggs. The first caterpillar eats the egg shell in which it was born. Then it started eating the leaves and started growing. The exoskeleton (skin) does not stretch or grow, so it grows by "molting" (shedding the growing skin) several times as it grows. As soon as the caterpillar has finished growing and reaches its full length, it forms itself into a cocoon, which is also known as a cocoon. The cocoon remains motionless inside the cocoon. Inside the cocoon, the pupa undergoes a series of changes. After about 15 days, a beautiful adult butterfly emerges from the cocoon. 


When the butterfly comes out, the wings are small and wet, then the butterfly pumps the liquid into it to make it strong and expand. After a few hours, the wings become strong enough and the butterfly can fly. 

Example Video:


First try:

Second try:


Senin, 18 Januari 2021



Cause and effect is a cause and effect relationship, a sentence that has cause and effect. Cause itself means a sentence that contains something that happens while the effect is the result of something.


Clue of the cause sentence: Because, since, cause, reason, so that, unless, etc.

Clue sentence effect: If, therefore, effect, if, etc.



1. She fell ill because of a strict diet, so she stopped going on a strict diet.

Cause: He fell ill from a strict diet

Effect: That's why he stopped going on a strict diet.


2. She has very bad hair loss because she rarely takes care of it, so now she's starting to take care of her hair.

Cause: She had very bad hair loss from taking care of it rarely

Effect: That's why now he's starting to take care of his hair


3. He got bad grades because he was lazy to study so he started studying.

Cause: He got bad grades because he was lazy to study

Effect: That's why he started studying


4. He gets a medal for winning the contest therefore he throws the party.

Cause: He got a medal for winning a contest

Effect: That's why he's throwing a party


5. He can buy a car because he works so hard.

Cause: Because he worked really hard

Effect: He can buy a car


Example Video:



Rabu, 06 Januari 2021


 At first i will share my new year story. 

On New Years Eve our family just stayed home and burned the food. There are many types of food that we grill, such as sausages, meatballs and corn.

We burned a lot of food, my uncle's family is here to meet after a long time.Not to forget I saw beautiful fireworks even though they were loud. But I still like it.

My hope in 2021 is that I become a better person, more diligent, more disciplined and I also hope that in 2021 Indonesia and the world will recover quickly from all disasters. And I hope everyone is well and achieves what is expected.